Terms and Conditions - Update 29.12.23
Dive Trips
Powerboat Tours
Cancelling your booking
Clyde diving trips - If you cancel your trip more than 4 weeks in advance, a full refund will be given. If you cancel within 4 weeks of the trip start date, the full trip balance will be payable.
Expedition diving trips - Deposits are non-refundable and the full balance of the trip is payable if you cancel less than 12 weeks before the trip start date.
Cancellation and changes by us: Diving is weather and tide dependent. We reserve the right to change dive sites or departure times according to weather and operational requirements. On occasions due to sea, weather or safety considerations, we reserve the right to cancel the trip with minimal notice. Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Ltd is not responsible or liable for any external costs i.e. accommodation and travel costs. You are advised to check with Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Ltd before leaving to travel to the dive site.
Clyde diving trips - If your trip is cancelled by us for the reasons above, your payment will be credited to your account or refunded.
Expedition diving trips - If single days are cancelled due to weather, no refund will be given.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Ltd reserves the right to change prices, deposits, bookings and details without notice.
The divers: No check is made of divers' qualifications or fitness to dive. Diving is a potentially hazardous sport and should only be undertaken by suitably trained people. The skipper reserves the right to refuse to allow a diver into the water. You are responsible for the conduct of your own dive and for ensuring that you are trained and equipped for the dive site and that your equipment is safely stored on the boat. Dive times must not exceed 60 minutes (surface to surface) unless otherwise agreed by the skipper.
Liability: The boat and skipper are fully insured for third party liability while you are aboard; you are not insured when in the water. Equipment you may lose or damage onboard is not covered. You are asked to beware when boarding or leaving the vessel.
Powerboat Trips
Cancelling your booking: If you cancel your trip more than 4 weeks in advance, a full refund will be given. If you cancel within 4 weeks of the trip start date, the full trip balance will be payable.
Cancellation and changes by us: Tours are weather and tide dependent. We reserve the right to change tours or departure times according to weather and operational requirements. On occasions due to sea, weather or safety considerations, we reserve the right to cancel the tours with minimal notice. You are advised to check your tour will be taking place before travelling to the marina. Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Ltd is not responsible or liable for any external costs i.e. accommodation and travel costs. If your trip is cancelled by us for the reasons above, your payment will be credited to your account or refunded.
Wreckspeditions Dive Charters Ltd reserves the right to change prices, deposits, bookings and details without notice.
Liability: The boat and skipper are fully insured for third party liability while you are aboard. Equipment you may lose or damage onboard is not covered. You are asked to beware when boarding or leaving the vessel.
Cancellation policy: If you cancel your course more than 4 weeks in advance, a full refund will be given. If you cancel within 4 weeks of the course start date, the full course balance will be payable.
Complaints: We hope you have no cause to make a complaint during your course, however if you feel unsatisfied with the training or the service you have received in anyway, then please follow the procedure below:
Speak to the instructor or skipper who is involved in the complaint. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, then;
Jason Coles, Director and Principal will arrange to speak to you privately. If you are still not satisfied with the outcome, then;
Claire Hallybone is a director who is not involved with the day to day running of the business and therefore remains impartial. Claire will arrange a suitable time to meet or speak with you.