Covid-19 Update 4th April 2021
At Wreckspeditions, we prioritise the safety of our staff and customers above everything else. We will continue to follow the government guidance as we start to emerge from lockdown and will also liaise with diving, boating other local authorities to ensure we approach the return to normality as safely as possible.
Please read below for our latest round of updates which will be altered and updated when permitted by government.
COVID procedure acceptance form - IMPORTANT
Your safety is our number one priority. Please can we ask each person to complete a procedure acceptance form prior to arriving with us. If you need help completing the form or do not have access to a printer please contact us.
The form for divers can be found here.
The form for powerboat trip guests can be found here.
Boat updates
6 persons maximum until social distancing is not a factor.
1m social distancing in line with Public Transport guidelines.
Vessel is cleaned and disinfected between each trip.
All PPE and equipment (inc binoculars) will be cleaned and disinfected between each trip.
Normal terms & conditions apply.
Risk assessment
A full risk assessment has been produced. A copy of this is available upon request. Please contact us for more information.