Vols una nova i emocionant manera d'explorar la històrica Clyde i les seves precioses costes?
Potser us agradaria veure una fauna increïble i saltar unes onades?
O què passa amb les fites històriques i els llocs secrets?
Bé, per què no pujar a bord de l' Starfish Enterprise i deixar que aquesta aventura succeeixi.
Podem atendre fins a 8 persones (6 actualment fins que s'aixequin les restriccions de Covid) i oferim visites que van des de tan sols 20 minuts fins a un dia sencer.
Aquí a Wreckspeditions, adaptem els nostres tours a les teves necessitats. No importa si vols anar ràpid o lent, si estàs després d'una aventura plena d'històries o només vols un creuer silenciós, com vulguis, t'hem cobert.
Hi ha innombrables possibilitats d'aventures al Clyde, i tantes per triar. A continuació tenim alguns dels nostres preferits personals.

Wreckspeditions have teamed up with a number of local businesses in Dunoon who are offering discounts specifically to our groups of divers and their partners etc that they bring on their trips. Each person will be given one of these cards at the beginning of their trip and are to be returned at the end of each trip.
If a card is not returned then you should post back to us as soon as possible.
If the card is lost at any point, then a payment of £2.50 will be made directly to Wreckspeditions for a replacement.
There are a wide variety of businesses to visit which are all listed on the back of the discount card, as displayed below. You MUST show your card in order to receive the listed discount. We hope that this will help bring footfall to these lovely local businesses and make your stay here in Dunoon even better, so much so that you will come back again and again. Happy shopping!